Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Scientific Terms

1. Rotation: a circular movement of an object around a center (or point) of rotation. A three-dimensional object rotates always around an imaginary line called a rotation axis.
2. Elbow Joint:Three bones form the elbow joint: the humerus of the upper arm, and the paired radius and ulna of the forearm
3. Plantar Flexion:the movement which increases the approximate 90 degree angle between the front part of the foot and the shin, as when depressing an automobile pedal
4. Extension:movement of a joint that results in increased angle between two bones or body surfaces at a joint.
5. Flexion:Bending movement that decreases the angle between two parts
6. Force: any influence which tends to change the motion of an object
7. Frontal Plane: any plane dividing the body into front and back
8. Pelvic Girdle: the irregular ring-shaped bony structure connecting the spine to the femurs
9. Hip Flexors:a group of skeletal muscles that act to flex the femur
10. Hip Rotators: group of muscles that act to rotate the hip
11.Knee Joint:joins the thigh with the leg and consists of two articulations: one between the femur and tibia, and one between the femur and patella
12. Shoulder Girdle: set of bones which connects the upper limb to the axial skeleton on each side
13. Triceps:  It is the muscle principally responsible for extension of the elbow joint (straightening of the arm).
14. Adducted:motion that pulls a structure or part towards the midline of the body, or towards the midline of a limb
15. Everts:  the movement of the sole of the foot away from the median plane
16. Depress:Movement in an inferior direction
17. Center of Gravity: he mean location of all the mass in a system
18.Sternum:long flat bony plate shaped like a capital "T" located anteriorly to the heart in the center of the thorax (chest).
19. Biceps Brachii:The biceps has several functions, the most important being to rotate the forearm (supination) and to flex the elbow
20. Brachialis: a muscle in the upper arm that flexes the elbow joint

This exercise is simply toe touches with your opposite hand. To execute this exercise, all there is to do it is extend both arms fully along the frontal plane, than rotate and flex at the pelvic girdle to reach down and touch your opposite toe. The reason this exercise is helpful for bunting is because it can strengthen and quicken to hip flexors and hip rotators, and can strengthen the abdominal muscles. The hip rotators are the important part because when bunting in a game, you need to be able to rotate very quickly, and this could help with that.

Drill Number 2 For Bunting

   The second drill for bunting is to simply pracice with a target area. As you can see in the video, all you need is a 2 small items, in this case it's 2 shoes. Place the two items about 8-10 feet away from each foul line. Than, simply practice bunting the ball, but attempting to get the ball to roll within the area from the foul line to the item. The reason you would want to get it in this area is because if you bunt it too close to the pitcher, the bunt might not do its job, which is to move the runner to the next base.